2017년 8월 6일 일요일


On the green island in the middle of the dark blue sea came a man. He decided to set up a temple here. He broke and carried blocks of marble, dragged them, cut the capitals and friezes, erected columns and walls. But before that, he built a temple in his imagination, and all that he erected in stone was just a re-creation of the ideal he had created. This ideal was not dead and immovable: in the head of the builder plans swirled, variants crowded each other, the view from the top of the hill or the shape of a marble block made corrections to the plans of the structure or the figure of the god. The builder was bound and free: he built not the first temple and in many years traveled around hundreds of buildings created by other geniuses. He knew how to build temples, and he could not escape from this knowledge. But he also knew that other people's experience not only helps, but also binds. And he wanted to create a free temple, such as it was not ...

The whole painting of Vladimir Larev is a miracle of the birth of light and air from bright smears of oil paint.
The famous Moulin Rouge, the Champs-Elysées and the majestic Notre-Dame de Paris, the quiet French streets ... On the canvases of Vladimir Larev they are not depicted in the same way as in the classical works of 19th-century masters. Kinds of the French capital appear at Vladimir Larev full of energy bright landscapes, instantly blinding the saturation of color and light. These images seem to come alive and take you straight to Paris.

It is interesting that the works of the painter in the homeland are little known, but French art critics and art connoisseurs have already appreciated them. Personal opening days Lareva was held more than once in France, and the local press always met their enthusiastic reviews. What is the secret of Larev's success? The artist never aspired to be like someone (he equates the loss of individuality to mortal sin), over the years he sought his way in painting, and these searches were crowned with success. He is often compared to Van Gogh, Gauguin, impressionists, but at the same time everyone recognizes that the style, the manner of Larev's letter is original, original. Even the famous red mills of the French capital - light up with a new color, breathe new power on his canvases.

Daniel Gerhartz paintings for sale

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