2017년 8월 12일 토요일

Serge Lifar \ Serge Lifar (1905-1986)

Serge (Sergey Mikhailovich) Lifar (1905-1986)
French (native to Russia) ballet dancer, choreographer, teacher.
Serzh Lifar was born in Kiev and all his life he cherished his love for his native city.
Late, only at the age of 16 saw the lesson of classical dance, the young man felt his vocation and began to learn.

As a boy, he rushed to Mykolayivska Square every morning to the building of the 8th Kiev Gymnasium.
Who would have thought that at the end of the century the wall of this structure (in the present Ivan Franko Square - Focus) will be decorated with a memorial plaque in his honor.

In the midst of the Civil War, 17-year-old Lifar without visas, without money, reached Paris, before the Russian Ballet. Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev appreciated the talent of a young man who had almost no professional training, and accepted him into the troupe.

Selflessly working on the technique and expressiveness of the dance, Lifar became the leading soloist, the star of the Russian Ballet.
Diaghilev carefully attached him to music, painting, developed taste, acquainted with the treasures of culture, drove to Italy.

In 1929 the talent of the Lifar-choreographer was manifested, but in the same year the great Diaghilev died.
Hardly surviving the death of his mentor and realizing that no one can replace Diaghilev, Lifar refused to become head of the Russian Ballet.

by Vladimir Kush Metamorphosis

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