2014년 10월 13일 월요일

Octavian Florescu. Blow to the ocean, exhausted man

2 Blow to the ocean, exhausted man!
Here, hold the mind, fatigue century
You discover the world, revealing itself ...
Waves kiss the shore and cling to the legs ...

In the water you come, and you - the breakwater and pier. Legs grow into the bottom. Have you found all that is needed: freedom and light in her eyes. But beware, a wave covers! Ahh! ..

Here in Goa, you are everywhere - a welcome guest. The Sun is one and sees us all through. Peaceful rock the boat, waiting for ships. Rum, cigarette - and you're on the edge of the earth ...

Sea change the shape, color and character,
Gives bliss, depriving the rights Teaches considered for the benefit of any message, and invites to stay and settle here ...

By evening panorama softens color:
Skyline was not. All solution mixed, took off into the sunset. New guidance is opinion.

At night, the lights are lit on the beach life.
Waves caress the ear. Trembles in the wind
The light from the candles on the table. Sit at the table: Summer. February. Reckless Goan team.

In the afternoon heat incandescent sand.
You go over it, like a real yogi
But vigorously accelerates step in running.
And it is impossible to believe that somewhere in the snow ...

North wind comes on the last day. Famously throws waves. Blessed is the shadow that we are saved from hell big umbrella. Here rests the universal boundless Om ...

The sun sets in the sea, almost hissing.
Someone dancing, watching, and someone is sleeping ... Money worries - all, in fact, nonsense. We will meet again. Do you hear? Yes! ..
       @ Paul Cordes. 24.01.2012

The city sleeps, masking lights
Colored night lights,
Night flirting amicably with us
And round in a maze of passion.
We do not need a pyramid of words
And the gentleman set of phrases.
Night whim - Thief of Dreams,
And in the sky fading jazz.
Maya Rogov

I was born in 1957 in the southern Romanian city of Craiova. In 1978 he interrupted his university education in engineering, to become a full-fledged artist. For five years I have studied church painting, restoring the church, which gave me the opportunity to learn and master all painting techniques from ancient frescoes to contemporary oil and acrylic. Moving to Canada is a real international recognition. Over the past 20 years, my paintings are widely exhibited in Austria, Canada, France, Hungary, Mexico, Romania, the United States.
                                                                    Octavian Florescu

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