2014년 10월 24일 금요일

Lady Autumn.

Lady Autumn.

Lady Autumn, you should not be sad,
Cold tears dropping into the grass.
Mocking smile and disperse
Gusty winds brought up an evil.

We are destined to that, then shall come to pass?
Be - come true, maybe not!
The mystery hidden in the yellow rustle,
You lived dropped years.

Lady Autumn, you are amazing!
In the glare of the sun lakes puddles
Dipped warm gold
On your shoulders in anticipation of cold.

What has happened has happened too!
Regrets will wash away let rain.
Not stumble and stumble,
Only if it is absolutely not coming.

Lady Autumn, melancholy and despair
Collect wrinkles around the eyes
And cruelly robbed
Your "here" and "now."

Svetlana Andanchenko

Hinze Marina. autumn

Andrew Atroshenko

Kolosov O.

Alex Wilding


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