2014년 12월 2일 화요일

Gennady Spirin K. (rod.1948)

Gennady Spirin K.
Russian artist living in the United States. He was born in Orekhovo-studied at the Moscow Art School at the Academy of Arts, then Universitete name Stroganov. He attaches a unique style, "uniting Russian artistic technique with the traditions of the Renaissance" (Nicholas Callaway, publisher). Spirin work is distinguished by clarity of light, plenty of detail and color accuracy. In many of his drawings of microscopic precision of its realism reminiscent of Jan van Eyck and Albert Durer.
Gennady Spirin - one of the best illustrators. His watercolor drawings for children's books have received numerous awards for his vision of fabulous worlds, they are stored in the public, private and corporate collections, including the Museum of Art in Milan (Italy), in the library at Princeton University (USA).

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