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I obscene love life. Quotes and surrealism of Salvador Dali (1904-1989)
Of more than a thousand works of this wonderful artist anyone can choose something to your liking. I chose these, but, quite honestly, barely stopped ...
Early work (up to 1926). Salvador Dali HERE
Honey is sweeter than blood, 1941
The Pianist (music from the movie) - Apocalyptica-Ruska
I obscene love life.
Girl lying with sheep, 1942
I am thankful for two things: for what I am Spanish, and for the fact that I - Salvador Dali.
After Michelangelo ("Moses"). On the tomb of Julius II in Rome, 1982
Saw - and sunk into the soul, and through the brush spilled onto the canvas. This painting. And the same thing - love.
Portrait of Mrs. Mary Segall, 1948
Surrealism - complete freedom of the human being and his right to dream.
Portrait of Gala (unfinished) 1932
Gala - only my muse, my genius and my life, I am nothing without Gala.
Madonna and Mystical Rose, 1963
Barren it tastes good - for the artist there is nothing more harmful than good taste.
Horse fantasy. Portrait of a Lady Dunn, 1954
More than anything, I despise Rodin, who carved this thinker. In this position, not what to think, even shit uncomfortable.
Bleeding Roses, 1930
Being mediocre, there is no need to climb out of their way to prove that you're mediocrity. This is so obvious.
Three Sphinx bikini
Great geniuses always give birth to a mediocre children, and I do not want to be a confirmation of this rule. I want to leave a legacy of himself.
Portrait of Laurence Olivier as Richard III, 1955
For the artist, every touch of the brush to the canvas - the whole life drama.
Phenomenon on the beach face of Garcia Lorca in the form of dishes with three fruit 1938
In early childhood, I bought a vicious habit consider themselves not like everyone else, and behave differently than other mortals. As it turns out, is a gold mine!
Portrait of Countess Ghislaine d'Oultremont, 1960
Dali painting and not the same, as an artist, I do not overestimate yourself. Just the other so bad that I was better.
Omar - Telephone 1938
Art - a terrible disease, but to live without it until you can not.
My wife, nude, contemplating his own flesh, 1945
Mosquito bites you in the early morning in the thigh, can serve as a lightning that illuminate your skull More uncharted horizons.
Music - The Red Chapel, 1957
Journalists love! They also contribute to kretinizatsii population. And great to deal with it.
Portrait of Ambassador Cárdenas, 1943
I did not touch that writing criticism. I know that deep down they love my work, but are afraid to admit it.
The birth of a new world, 1942
I think I'm in no way it was easier to be born than the Creator - to create the universe. At least then he rested, and I hit all the colors of the world.
Meditative Rose, 1958
Do not be afraid of perfection. You did not achieve.
Portrait of Gala with two lamb chops, balancing on his shoulder, 1933
Were it not for my enemies, I would not be what has become. But, thank God, enemies enough.
Leda Atomica, 1947-1949
Do not try to keep up with the times, the time can not escape it. All of us - no matter what get up - necessarily up to date.
Set to "Bacchanalia", 1939
Error - from God. So do not try to correct the error. On the contrary, try to understand it, penetrate its meaning, get accustomed to it. And there will come release.
Children's World Map 1939
I love smart enemies.
Sheep 1942
A work of art does not makes me any feelings. Looking for a masterpiece, I come into ecstasy from what I can learn. I had no idea comes to flow with emotion.
Death Knight 1937
Next to the history of politics - nothing more than an anecdote.
I myself, when I write, I do not understand, what's the point lies in my picture. Do not think, however, that it does not make sense! He's just so deep, so complex and fastidious nenarochit that elude conventional logic of perception.
The phenomenon of the face of Aphrodite of Knidos in a Landscape, 1981
Thanks to my enemies. If not for them, I would not have become what I became.
Beach charm
I had a motto: the main thing - let say about Dali. At the very least, let them say good.
Mad Minerva - Illustration for 'Memories of Surrealism ", 1968
I've never met a woman at the same time beautiful and elegant - a mutually exclusive characteristics.
The Sacrament of the Last Supper, 1955
I have no idea, I'm poor or rich. Disposes of all his wife. And for my money - a mystic.
Melancholy, 1942
I could never resolve the fateful question: where I end and starts pretending sincerity.
Three glorious mysteries Gala 1982
I always saw what others did not see; and what we have seen others, I have not seen.
Young virgin with horns own chastity, 1954
Through the centuries we have with Leonardo da Vinci stretch each other's hands.
Tristan and Isolde 1944
It is difficult to attract the attention of even a short time. I indulged in this lesson every day and hour.
Meditation on the harp, 1932-1934
The difference between me and a madman is that I'm not crazy.
Portrait of Katharine Cornell, 1951
Unhappy poor in spirit, for good intentions bind them hand and foot.
Ascension, 1958
Do not try to cover up a careless deliberately painting their mediocrity - she finds herself in the first smear.
Portrait of Mrs. Ruth Daponte 1965
When people ask me what is the difference between the web Velazquez and a good photographer, I say, seven million dollars.
Armchair with landscapes painted for Gala in the castle Pubol, 1974
What I actually know very few.
Wall painting for Helena Rubinstein (panel 1), 1942
To start learn to draw and paint like the old masters, and then proceed on your own - and you will be respected.
Portrait of Mrs. Harrison Williams 1943
Enemies I am neglecting flowers - in a coffin.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, 1962
Without Velazquez would not have been of French Impressionism, Picasso and Gris without - Cubism, without Miro and Dali no surrealism, or anything out of it owed.
The difference between me and the Surrealists is that surrealist - that's me.
I obscene love life. Quotes and surrealism of Salvador Dali (1904-1989)
Of more than a thousand works of this wonderful artist anyone can choose something to your liking. I chose these, but, quite honestly, barely stopped ...
Early work (up to 1926). Salvador Dali HERE
Honey is sweeter than blood, 1941
The Pianist (music from the movie) - Apocalyptica-Ruska
I obscene love life.
Girl lying with sheep, 1942
I am thankful for two things: for what I am Spanish, and for the fact that I - Salvador Dali.
After Michelangelo ("Moses"). On the tomb of Julius II in Rome, 1982
Saw - and sunk into the soul, and through the brush spilled onto the canvas. This painting. And the same thing - love.
Portrait of Mrs. Mary Segall, 1948
Surrealism - complete freedom of the human being and his right to dream.
Portrait of Gala (unfinished) 1932
Gala - only my muse, my genius and my life, I am nothing without Gala.
Madonna and Mystical Rose, 1963
Barren it tastes good - for the artist there is nothing more harmful than good taste.
Horse fantasy. Portrait of a Lady Dunn, 1954
More than anything, I despise Rodin, who carved this thinker. In this position, not what to think, even shit uncomfortable.
Bleeding Roses, 1930
Being mediocre, there is no need to climb out of their way to prove that you're mediocrity. This is so obvious.
Three Sphinx bikini
Great geniuses always give birth to a mediocre children, and I do not want to be a confirmation of this rule. I want to leave a legacy of himself.
Portrait of Laurence Olivier as Richard III, 1955
For the artist, every touch of the brush to the canvas - the whole life drama.
Phenomenon on the beach face of Garcia Lorca in the form of dishes with three fruit 1938
In early childhood, I bought a vicious habit consider themselves not like everyone else, and behave differently than other mortals. As it turns out, is a gold mine!
Portrait of Countess Ghislaine d'Oultremont, 1960
Dali painting and not the same, as an artist, I do not overestimate yourself. Just the other so bad that I was better.
Omar - Telephone 1938
Art - a terrible disease, but to live without it until you can not.
My wife, nude, contemplating his own flesh, 1945
Mosquito bites you in the early morning in the thigh, can serve as a lightning that illuminate your skull More uncharted horizons.
Music - The Red Chapel, 1957
Journalists love! They also contribute to kretinizatsii population. And great to deal with it.
Portrait of Ambassador Cárdenas, 1943
I did not touch that writing criticism. I know that deep down they love my work, but are afraid to admit it.
The birth of a new world, 1942
I think I'm in no way it was easier to be born than the Creator - to create the universe. At least then he rested, and I hit all the colors of the world.
Meditative Rose, 1958
Do not be afraid of perfection. You did not achieve.
Portrait of Gala with two lamb chops, balancing on his shoulder, 1933
Were it not for my enemies, I would not be what has become. But, thank God, enemies enough.
Leda Atomica, 1947-1949
Do not try to keep up with the times, the time can not escape it. All of us - no matter what get up - necessarily up to date.
Set to "Bacchanalia", 1939
Error - from God. So do not try to correct the error. On the contrary, try to understand it, penetrate its meaning, get accustomed to it. And there will come release.
Children's World Map 1939
I love smart enemies.
Sheep 1942
A work of art does not makes me any feelings. Looking for a masterpiece, I come into ecstasy from what I can learn. I had no idea comes to flow with emotion.
Death Knight 1937
Next to the history of politics - nothing more than an anecdote.
I myself, when I write, I do not understand, what's the point lies in my picture. Do not think, however, that it does not make sense! He's just so deep, so complex and fastidious nenarochit that elude conventional logic of perception.
The phenomenon of the face of Aphrodite of Knidos in a Landscape, 1981
Thanks to my enemies. If not for them, I would not have become what I became.
Beach charm
I had a motto: the main thing - let say about Dali. At the very least, let them say good.
Mad Minerva - Illustration for 'Memories of Surrealism ", 1968
I've never met a woman at the same time beautiful and elegant - a mutually exclusive characteristics.
The Sacrament of the Last Supper, 1955
I have no idea, I'm poor or rich. Disposes of all his wife. And for my money - a mystic.
Melancholy, 1942
I could never resolve the fateful question: where I end and starts pretending sincerity.
Three glorious mysteries Gala 1982
I always saw what others did not see; and what we have seen others, I have not seen.
Young virgin with horns own chastity, 1954
Through the centuries we have with Leonardo da Vinci stretch each other's hands.
Tristan and Isolde 1944
It is difficult to attract the attention of even a short time. I indulged in this lesson every day and hour.
Meditation on the harp, 1932-1934
The difference between me and a madman is that I'm not crazy.
Portrait of Katharine Cornell, 1951
Unhappy poor in spirit, for good intentions bind them hand and foot.
Ascension, 1958
Do not try to cover up a careless deliberately painting their mediocrity - she finds herself in the first smear.
Portrait of Mrs. Ruth Daponte 1965
When people ask me what is the difference between the web Velazquez and a good photographer, I say, seven million dollars.
Armchair with landscapes painted for Gala in the castle Pubol, 1974
What I actually know very few.
Wall painting for Helena Rubinstein (panel 1), 1942
To start learn to draw and paint like the old masters, and then proceed on your own - and you will be respected.
Portrait of Mrs. Harrison Williams 1943
Enemies I am neglecting flowers - in a coffin.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, 1962
Without Velazquez would not have been of French Impressionism, Picasso and Gris without - Cubism, without Miro and Dali no surrealism, or anything out of it owed.
The difference between me and the Surrealists is that surrealist - that's me.